Eu estava lendo alguns blogs, e essa postagem que está aqui embaixo me chamou a atenção - até mesmo por ser inglês. Ao ler tudo, gostei bastante da mensagem que é passada... até porque eu já passei por isso, e sei como é estar assim. Mesmo que você não saiba inglês tente ler isso, vale a pena :)
It’s time to move on. He’ll never love me.
001. I think the problem is that I'm stuck waiting for him to do something, to make a move, to say the perfect thing. And the problem is that I shouldn't be that girl, the one who sits and waits for him. I should be independent. I should think clearly and consistently without having my mind jump straight back to him. Yeah, falling for someone like that is the hardest thing to do. And the stupidest thing is that the thing standing in my way is fear of losing him, the fear of rejection, the fear that I might lose a friend that means everything to me. I want to be everything to him, but I'm not. I'm not the kind of girl he needs, and I'll never be that girl.002. I think we spend too much time wondering why we're not good enough - we spend too much time overanalyzing, over-thinking, and overreacting. We waste too much time putting ourselves down, so much that we don't ever stop to see that well, we are good enough. You are good enough. We spend too much time with our heads down and hearts closed, and never get a chance to look up from the ground and see that the sun is shining and tomorrow is another day.
003. What is it? Is it frustrating that you can’t be with this person? That there’s someone keeping you apart? That there’s something about this person that you can connect with? And whenever you’re near this person, you don’t know what to say, and you say everything that’s in your mind and in your heart, and you know that if you could just be together, that this person would help you become the best possible version of yourself?
004. I don't like to do what people expect. Then they expect it all the time and they get disappointed when you change.
005. Isn't it scary thinking that if just one little thing had been different, you might not know him right now.
006. She never speaks her mind. Always holds it in, though it kills her inside. Because she's so scared of what they'll think of her. Too afraid she'll upset someone. In the end no-one gets hurt; no-one except her. So speak up. Don't be afraid, don't ever be scared to say what's on your mind. Don't keep it inside, because sooner or later it's gonna come out, and then you'll be wishing you'd said what you wanted to back then when it mattered the most.
007. There is a difference between pretty and beautiful. When someone is pretty, they have a good appearance. But when someone is beautiful, they shine on the inside and out.
008. Is it wrong for me to not have you and yet not want anyone else to have you either? Because I don't think my fragile heart can handle your words describing how someone else makes you better than who you are when I'm still wishing I was the light in your night.
009. I hope that someday, you find an amazing girl. The kind of girl who means everything to you and makes you want to spend every moment of your time with her. The kind of girl who keeps you up at night, just thinking about her beautiful smile, and when you finally fall asleep, she’s all you dream about. I hope she’s the first thing to cross your mind when you wake up in the morning. I hope she changes you in a way you could never understand, yet you know it’s for the better. I hope she’s the kind of girl you would die for. The kind of girl who could make you cry, even though you’d never admit it. The kind of girl who makes you want to go out and do something special, something that means everything to the both of you. The kind of girl you can have silly fights with, then kiss and make up and hold her in your arms like you’re falling in love all over again. I hope you make memories with her that you never forget. I hope she’s your world, and what you have with her is nothing less than perfection. and I hope that one day, you lose her. I hope you mess up and as hard as you try to keep her there with you, she slips through the cracks of your broken heart. I hope it destroys you, because you realized you’ve lost the person you once called your everything. I hope you see every moment you spent together spin away down the drain like it was waiting to happen. I hope you stay up at night because she’s on your mind and when you fall asleep, she haunts your dreams. I hope her beautiful smile stays pressed in your mind like a scar that won’t fade away. I hope you realize that you’re a new person because of her, I hope your new self feels incomplete without her and you miss the old you. The one that was okay with being alone, because you’d rather be the heart breaker than the heartbroken.
010. Did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?
011. I'm all glued back together now. I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke.
012. And in some way, I think I recognize that I will never be fully over you, and that part of me will always love you. But most of me understands that this doesn’t work, and I need to move on to be happy.
013. Sometimes you just have to let them win, because losing the argument is easier than losing them.
014. Don't let him know what he does to you.
How he breaks you and takes you down and doesn't even care.
015. Maybe i like you because you're a lot like me. Well, you're a lot
like me, but then in a better way. Plus, you're everything i'm
not. You're just like me, but then a thousand times better.
016. Here's to the kids. This is for you.
The kids who would rather spend their night with a bottle of Jones soda & Bright Eyes playing on their headphones than go to some vomit-stained high school party. Here's to the kids whose 11:11 wish was wasted on one person who will never be there for them. Here's to the kids whose idea of a good night is spent watching the stars. Here's to the kids who never were too good at life, but still were wicked cool. Here's to the kids who listened to Fall Out Boy and Hawthorne Heights before they were on MTV.. and blame MTV for ruining their life. Here's to the kids who care more about the music than the haircuts. Here's to the kids who have crushes on a stupid lush. Here's to the kids who hum "last chance to lose your keys" when they're stuck home, dateless, on a Saturday night. Here's to the kids who have ever had a broken heart.. from someone who didn't even know they existed. Here's to the kids who have read the Perks of Being a Wallflower & didn't feel so alone after doing so. Here's to the kids who spend their days in photobooths with their best friend(s). Here's to the kids who are straight-up smartasses & just don't care. Here's to the kids who speak their minds. Here's to the kids who consider screamo their lullaby for going to sleep. Here's to the kids who second guess themselves on everything they do. Here's to the kids who will never have 100 percent confidence in anything they do, and to the kids who are okay with that.
017. Welcome to the real world, where being yourself isn't good enough.
018. Listening for voices, but it's the choices that make us who we are.
019. Are you happy Brooke?
Sometimes but not always, are you?
Okay then let me ask you something. What is gonna make you happy Peyton? Is it the way you look or the car you drive? Is it money or celebrity or power or accomplishments? Because I have all those things and I don’t think its enough.
Well then what is?
Love I think. And that love can be for a boy or a girl, or a place or a way of life, or a family. But the way you find that love is up to you. So where are you going to find that love Peyton?
I think I need to go home.
Yeah, I was hoping you would say that. - One Tree Hill
020. I give myself three days to feel better, or else I swear I'll drive right off a fucking cliff. Cause if I can't learn to make myself feel better, how can I expect anyone else to give a shit? And I scream for the sunlight or car to take me anywhere, just get me past this dead and eternal snow. Cause I swear that I'm dying. Slowly, but it's happening.
021. Thanks for proving to me that guys can not be trusted, assholes do exist, and my heart can be broken.
022. Since I was a little girl, I knew what I wanted. One day I would see the world, and make my mark on it. -JoJo
023. I know in the back of my mind that life would be so much easier if I never talked to you again. If I shut you out of my life and moved on, I could finally get over you. But you're the only thing that makes me happy, whether it's right or wrong and I don't have the strength to give up on that.
024. You want to know what it's like to be in love with you? It's like taking me to the top of the highest mountain, showing me the entire world, and telling me, "This is everything you can't have."
025. Every time she laughs, she hopes he is watching. Not so he see's that she's happy, but so that maybe,
just maybe, he'll fall for her smile like she fell for his.
024. You want to know what it's like to be in love with you? It's like taking me to the top of the highest mountain, showing me the entire world, and telling me, "This is everything you can't have."
025. Every time she laughs, she hopes he is watching. Not so he see's that she's happy, but so that maybe,
just maybe, he'll fall for her smile like she fell for his.
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